I wonder about a lot of things in life, especially when it comes to the human/spiritual dynamic. “Whizin Wonders” is a combination of a blog, a newsletter, a way of sharing my curiosity about life… and death… and everything in between. I hope you will enjoy it. My intention is to write my perspectives of what it means to BE human and spiritual, for we cannot separate ourselves. The human/spiritual dynamic has been, and will always be, a fascination of mine.

I may tell a story or dive into something that touches me or share a download that I receive from the grand Universe of Infinite Potential.
If something I write sparks your attention, inspires you, and lights up your heart, please let me know. I’m curious to know if anything I write is interesting to you, or if it is helpful to you in any way. Also, if there are topics that you’re curious about and you would like to explore with me, please let me know that too.
I look forward to wondering together. Life is such a grand experience and there are so many things to talk about, so why not explore the vast space within and afar?
I hope you look forward to my missives, and again, please let me know if something strikes your fancy. Take care. Be well, and may you live the yummiest, most delicious life possible!
It’s your life. Enjoy the journey. And remember to bring love into everything you do.